A Certain Man - A Certain Woman

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In 1968 in the USA a new film was released called ‘Where were you when the lights went out?’ It was based on a true incident of total blackout in New York on November 9th, 1965. In a sense, the clock stopped that night in New York and it was kind of interesting to ponder

Walk with Me

A CERTAIN MAN and A CERTAIN WOMAN refer to the person who is not necessarily a celebrity but one who is willing to use their God given gifts and abilities to influence and encourage others. Yes – I am a Certain Man – ready to be a blessing to you – God being my Helper. Let’s agree to walk together. As a born-again believer for several decades I believe in the saving and transforming grace and power of our Lord Jesus and His ability and willingness to help us. I am going to depend on Him to help me help others.

A Certain Man Woman in someone's world

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